Monday, July 22, 2013

Did I actually get anything done?

Well today my girls and I went to school with lofty goals!  We I did not get everything done that I wanted too.  I kind of ran in circles... but here are some pictures...

This is my white board.  The computers must live in the middle of it due to the electrical set up.  GRRRR!  So, I have a small area to write on which I outlined with matching boarders.  I put magnetic tape on the back to make them stay.  I hope they do not shift too much, or it will drive me crazy and I will end up rethinking this.  I LOVE my green and white polka dot border! 
The area on the right will be for my small group and reteaching. 
I do not have an easel, nor to I have the space for one.
The middle of the board will have my Daily 5 posters that the thriving thirds make with me at the beginning of the year. 
This is the bulletin board at the front of the room.  I will use the elmo in front of it to teach most of the time, so the lack of white board space is, ok!
I plan to post objectives to the left.  I will laminate a large poster board for that and staple it to the board.  The daily schedule will be on cinder block next to it... hello stick gum stuff!
I will teach from the two student desks in the corner!
Look I have a flag now!  AND a very small file cabinet!  The custodial people are my new best friends!
This board is to the back of my room.  This is the "Our Amazing Work" board.  I am choosing to not call it art, so we can put great writing, or reading or whatever suits us up... maybe even pictures of our accomplishments!
Now there is what the girls did...

And this is only a portion of my books... Thank goodness for that large bathroom storage room behind the pocket chart!
That's it for today!